We work with NHS Trusts, private hospitals and clinics, and individual doctors. Read some of their testimonials below.

A first class histopathological opinion is provided...
LDPath offers a very quick turnaround time, easy access to reports and if required the availability of a pathologist to discuss a case. A first class histopathological opinion is provided and second opinions are sought in difficult cases. Close clinico-pathological correlation is available and the reporting pathologists are always available for advice and discussion.
Professor Malcolm Rustin, Consultant Dermatologist
The Royal Free Hospital, London

I have now reported more than 2,500 cases digitally with LDPath...
Other than looking at some EQA and educational cases digitally, I had not worked with images rather than glass slides before starting with LDPath. To begin with, I was sent the glass slide after they had been scanned, so that I could compare the two. This was before the RCPath document on digital pathology had been produced, and the concept of validation of digital images was novel.
Perhaps the biggest advantage though is with the flow of work. When reporting, I don’t need to wait for the mail or a courier to deliver the slides, with the added risk of slides going missing or becoming damaged. As soon as the work is scanned, it becomes available for me to report. This minimises movement of slides from the base hospital. In addition, once scanned, the case can be shared with other pathologists at distant sites for second opinions, or even used by the originating hospital for local or MDT review.
I have now reported more than 2,500 cases digitally with LDPath, and it is by far my preferred method of working, with the knowledge that the glass slides can be viewed if necessary, although I rarely find the need for this.
Dr David Cowlishaw, Consultant Histopathologist
St. Richard’s Hospital, Chichester

The access to reports through the web portal is very user-friendly...
LDPath has, for several years, been able to offer this department a reliable, flexible and timely reporting service on submitted slides. There are good communications between this department and the team at LDPath, the access to reports through the web portal is very user-friendly and there is confidence in the Histopathologists providing the results.
Mr Andrew Heryet , Laboratory Manager
Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust