Established in 2011, LDPath is now one of the top private histopathology providers in the United Kingdom.
We provide rapid histopathology reporting by specialist pathologists, delivering a surgical pathology service to 300 hospitals with a growing international presence.
Intelligent LIMS:
Our bespoke LIMS application sends real time case status notifications and can be accessed securely. We designed our LIMS Application to be intuitive and fast with a degree of automation to facilitate workflow.
Functionality is available for pathologists, clinicians, laboratories and hospitals; we designed our LIMS with the needs of its users in mind:
• Encrypted to the highest level and can be accessed via secure connection.
• Once authorised, reports are made available immediately online notified by automated email.
• Case status can be traced as soon as specimens or slides are received.
As one of the pioneers of digital scanning technology in histopathology, 75% of our team report digitally and, with our unique integrated second opinion feature, international expertise can be sought and delivered in an instant.
Tailored Expertise For Complex Needs:
Staffed by experienced histopathologists and IT experts, LDPath understands the complex requirements for an efficient histopathology service.
Currently reporting every major discipline of surgical pathology including: Dermatology, GI, Gynaecology, Breast, Urology, ENT and Head & Neck – LDPath will tailor the pathology team and format of reports to the requirements of your department.
LDPath histology reports contain the contact details of the reporting pathologist facilitating efficient CPC discussion.
“…The team with which we work are responsive to all manner of requests and demands placed upon them and, as a company they seem to be continually seeking to improve the means by which service is delivered.”
A Virtual Department For Every NHS Trust:
LDPath has been providing a surgical pathology service to the NHS since 2013, and is the only registered histopathology provider in the National NHS Procurement Directory. Through the adoption of digital scanning technology we now manage a Virtual Department across the UK, streamlining supply with demand.
We are now providing a histopathology service in 24 Trusts in the UK, a number that is increasing monthly.
80 specialist consultant pathologists actively support these services through LDPath, 75% digitally.
94% of cases have been reported within 72 hours every year since 2014.

LDPath has, for several years, been able to offer this department a reliable, flexible and timely reporting service on submitted slides. There are good communications between this department and the team at LDPath, the access to reports through the web portal is very user-friendly and there is confidence in the Histopathologists providing the results.
Andrew Heryet, Laboratory Manager – University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust.